Thanksgiving Edition: Fried Turkey

27 Nov

So. Fried Turkey.  I don’t know about you, but these words kind of instill a serious fear of destruction, injury and death in me.  Maybe it’s the horror stories I’ve read online, or that Allstate commercial with President Palmer, but as soon as my dad mentioned “frying the turkey,” I got afraid.  He then explained that he bought this elaborate contraption that is really safe, it’s an enclosed metal box, he’ll definitely use it in the future, blah blah blah.  Whatever, I wasn’t going to believe it until I saw it.  My mom’s a nurse, so I guess if anything went seriously wrong she could help out medically.

We begin with the lovely turkey.  My dad spent all day injecting it with garlic butter to make it extra juicy and flavorful.

hi turkey.

It sits in the metal basket that is used to drop it down into the burning, scorching oil.  See ya, turkey.  Me and my boyfriend were at his dad’s house earlier in the day, but made sure to get up to my house in time for the 5:35 pm frying of the turkey.  He was more excited about it than I was.

My dad actually seemed to have everything in order and really knew what he was doing.  He used oven mitts, and this long metal attachment piece that gives you plenty of space between you and the burning hot oil.

lowering the turkey into the fryer.

And we got the turkey in without any death or destruction!  Yay!  One cool thing about frying the turkey is that it takes only an hour to do it, as opposed to having the turkey sit in the oven all day.  That really helped considering how many side dishes we had to cook in the oven.

turkey is done!

And doesn’t it look really delicious?? Let me tell you, my dad definitely won in this frying turkey endeavor.  The skin itself was obviously delicious, but the turkey was so juicy and moist, you could definitely tell the difference between this and an oven-baked turkey.  Way to go, Dad!  To top it all off, he made both turkey chili and turkey soup the next day from the leftover turkey, vegetables and mashed potatoes.  Delish!

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